FALL 2023

The United Church of Canada designates September and early Fall as the Season of Creation. The purpose of this series is to provide opportunities for heightened awareness, stewardship, and action as we consider that our Earth is not just a home but our divine gift.

In September, St Matthew’s members and our Earth Spirit Action Team joined the Climate Strike on September 15 to join our voices with a large group of students and other organizations to call out the use of fossil fuels and to stop oil subsidies. The huge attendance showed that there are many who are aware and supportive of the need to get off fossil fuels.

With the onset of October, the Creation series is now mid-way into its program. The liturgical colour for Fall is orange. Orange is traditionally a symbol of endurance, strength, and positive energy. Here are some suggestions to enhance our worship and daily practices.

October 1: Creation Time 4
This is World Communion Sunday and an opportunity to come together as congregations, denominations, and communities with a vision for the future of our planet as we find ways to cherish creation. We can work together on eco-initiatives as we did this summer with our garden on the north lawn.

October 8: Creation Time 5
Thanksgiving Sunday presents an opportune time to show our gratitude for all the things that we are given from Earth’s bounty including family, friends, and food. As we gather at church and in our homes, let us express our awareness of these gifts.

October 15: Creation Time 6
This Sunday is designated World Food Sunday. As we come together, we can think of ways to help others with food security both here and in other areas of the world. Support local, national, and global initiatives on the provision of food and the eradication of poverty.

October 22: Peace Sunday
The recognition of the need for world peace is very much front and centre due to the events of the past year. Let us come together in hope that reason will prevail. The Earth Spirit Action Team will be holding our first Lunch and Learn following the service. This session will focus on our relationship with indigenous people and the continuation of reconciliation as we work together to focus on the fight to mitigate climate change.

These are sobering times. There is lots to do as we look at our deep and rightful connection with nature and at our wrongful domination and exploitation of it. This is a heavy load but let us join in community with hope as we journey together through these Ember Days to recapture the liturgical way of being that we have lost and lost at great peril to our futures. With hope and love for one another and in community, we can move forward to a better future.

Margaret Machum
Member, Earth Spirit Action Team